December 31, 2013
To ask an editor to go back through the blur that was the last year? To ask them to renavigate the rough seas of putting together this labor of love? It's immoral. How does one separate the writing, the show, and the experiences we had as editors with the writers? It's impossibly subjective, but it was also much easier than I thought it would be to do. I've tried to keep as objective as possible, selecting a few well written pieces that considered some of this year's more important exhibitions and art works.
If I had to choose just one:
Inside Out: An elephant, a bear, a butterfly
By Siobhan Landry
For its directness and vigor
Accidental Audience Response to Brad Troemel's "The Accidental Audience"
By Tim McCool
As it best reflects the reality of trying to see all the art, everywhere.
Rain Rain Go Away: Falo Blu
By Stephen Persing
As the author called bullshit on something that she thought was bullshit.
Ori Gersht: Angel of History? Considering 'History Repeating' at the MFA
By Stephanie Cardon
For just how much patience it took and how shrewd it is.
Queering the ICA
By Evan Smith
As it encapsulates the most impossibly broad show with ease.
Me Love You Long Time (MLYLT) at Mills Gallery
By Robin Day
For its perfect blend of ambiance and facts
Amalia Pica's "Strangers"
By Anulfo Baez
I've avoided the journal as it was all well written if you ask me. I approved everything that got published in it. There are subtleties to call out though: Longest review, essay I had to fight the hardest to get, most rigorous, most writerly, interview that most turned me on and off, boldest pitch, best undergrad essay, essay covering art history that I wish everyone just knew already, interviewer that best knew the details of the artist's work, essay with the strongest pulse, fastest written essay, and essay we'll be talking about for the longest amount of time.
Here's to 2014.