Monday March 22nd, 2010 Candid photos from a Big RED night on-the-town at the Park Street Church for the site specific performance of B u r i e d: Funerals and other formal arrangements
Performance Orchestrated by: Sue Murad
Developed & Performed by: Kat Callard, Jess Gath, Heidi Katz, Sue Murad, Mehran Namazi, Michal Shapiro, Cari Senefski, Sara Sussman, Liz Weir, Rita Wong and others
B u r i e d: Funerals and other formal arrangements was a one time site specific performance at the Park Street Church, overlooking the Granary Burying Ground.
This performance was the first in response to a study of ancient cultures; holding them up against how we interact with the same themes today. Last year, over 40 people participated in responding to 30 chosen word themes from this study. Their insights, stories, sounds, and artwork have shaped this performance, and will continue to shape the others to come.