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Inside Out: A Collective Creative Unconscious


I am interested in the idea of a collective object permanence; how to combine myths with reality; merging fact with fiction; I use the traditional tools of an illustrator to communicate these ideas. I like to make beautiful, detailed images that seduce the viewer and invite them to wonder or assume. Certain tongue-in-cheek didactic images are in rebuttal of current events. I firmly believe there is a single collective creative unconscious that all artists draw from but cannot begin to explain how it works. I once read to define one's life by positives; I like this idea and try to carry it into my art and life.

Art and life getting along well.
Working in Sacramento
Sketch: She's no gleaner
Some library lends, the Incal is mine.
My husband and I share studio space
An installation piece for November show
Work in progress
Some completed works
Working on Waldron


About Author


Rachell Sumpter grew up in the suburbs of San Francisco. Swayed and beguiled by nature, she travels throughout the west coast of the US to find relics of inspiration. Her work has been exhibited worldwide and profiled in a variety of art, design and culture publications including Artforum.com, The Boston Globe, San Francisco Cronicle, Mean Magazine, Giant Robot, Artweek, The Art of McSweeneys, and Color magazine, to name a few. Sumpter graduated from ArtCenter College of Design in 2003 with honors.

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